Simple系列又添新产品。 这次是扩展管理器。 功能包括: - 通过弹出菜单来启用/禁用,访问选项和卸载扩展 - 定制弹出菜单容貌 - 制作扩展群组 - 通过弹出菜单和右键菜单启用/禁用扩展群组 - 启用活动页面 更新日志可以在扩展的选项页面里找到。 -------- Help translate SimpleExtManager! http://blandlifedev.blogspot.sg/2013/05/internationalization-part-2.html -------- Reason For Permission Requests: Your list of installed apps, extensions, and themes -> WHY: It is required for the extension to perform its basic functions. -------- Note: The extension is still pre-v1.0 as there may still be bugs I've missed. Please do feedback when something is not working, better if there are steps to replicate the problem. Thanks :)