支持 Vimium C 快捷键的 PDF 查看器。
一个允许 Vimium C 在其视图上运行的定制 PDF 查看器。 该浏览器使用非官方版本的 PDF.js 项目来显示 PDF 文件的内容,并主动请求 Vimium C 的支持。 The PDF.js is v2.15.349+, up-to-date on 2022/08/08 and built from commit 40f9f7e9097e1168e98f1e2987726c5c31693617 of https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js. And my modification is up to https://github.com/gdh1995/pdf.js/commit/c785e93bb11febb98b373db74aca358d8ac086fc. Recent update: 1. (2022/08) This version turns off the experimental feature of "using iframe to show top-frame PDFs" by default, because in some edge cases (e.g. on some web servers) it would fail in accessing PDF files. While you may re-enable it as you like. There should be no other difference after a PDF file gets showing. 2. (2022/08) update the version of PDF.js 3. (2022/04) fix some issues of Vimium C's `scroll*` and `Marks*` commands.