

1.1.5 2024-08-09 4千+
Readme TTS是一个全面的Chrome扩展,为文本到语音技术提供了一个方便和创新的解决方案。凭借其先进的文本到语音转换功能,它可以让你只需点击一个按钮就能听懂文章、博客文章和其他书面内容。告别枯燥的阅读,向更愉快和免于动手的信息消费方式问好。 Readme整合了摘要功能,使用ChatGPT这个由OpenAI训练的先进语言模型,使你能够快速、轻松地获得你访问的任何网页的摘要。只需点击一个按钮,这个扩展就会使用先进的自然语言处理算法来分析网页的内容,并生成其要点的简明摘要。 它的一些主要功能包括: - 易于文本到语音的转换。 - 支持多种语言。 - 可调节的说话速度。 - 能够播放/暂停,向前/向后跳过,以及调整音量。 - 用户友好的界面。 - 可选择男声或女声进行语音输出。 - 能够选择特定的文本段落进行文本到语音的转换。 - 支持其他文件格式,如PDF和电子书。 - 你访问的任何网页的摘要文本。 - 摘要功能与各种视频托管平台兼容,如YouTube和Vimeo。 使用说明: 1. 从Chrome网络商店安装该扩展。 2. 2. 访问任何有书面内容的网页。 3. 点击Chrome浏览器中的Readme TTS图标。 4. 4.使用可用的控件,根据你的喜好定制文本到语音的输出。 5. 坐下来,听着扩展程序将文本转换为语音。 6. 要使用摘要功能,你需要有一个ChatGPT账户。 7. 一旦您登录到ChatGPT,摘要功能就会自动启用。 使用文本转语音技术的好处: - 提高生产力和可及性。 - 以更愉快和免提的方式消费信息。 - 非常适合多任务处理,或锻炼身体。 将 Readme TTS 与传统的阅读方法进行比较,发现文字转语音的优势。我们满意的用户已经做出了改变,为什么你不呢? Readme TTS背后的开发团队致力于提供市场上最好的文字转语音技术。我们在该领域的专业知识和经验,确保你每次使用都能获得高质量的产品。 常见问题 为什么这个文本转语音扩展需要访问我所有的网站数据? 为了提供准确和有效的文本到语音功能,当你激活该扩展时,它需要能够读取网页上的所有文本内容。没有数据离开你的电脑。 为什么这个扩展在准确阅读一些文本方面有困难? 文本到语音引擎被设计为与标准文本格式一起工作,但它可能难以阅读某些内容,如嵌入图像的文本或不寻常的字体风格。此外,某些单词的发音可能不是对每种语言或方言都准确。 我如何改变文本转语音的声音和速度? 文字转语音的声音和速度可以在扩展的设置页面进行调整。只需点击浏览器工具栏上的扩展图标,选择 "设置 "选项。在那里,你将能够选择所需的声音并调整速度。 我可以在需要登录的网站上使用文本转语音吗? 是的,你可以在有登录的网站上使用文本转语音。当你打开弹出窗口时,该扩展可以访问网页上的所有内容,包括登录后的内容。 文本到语音可以在离线情况下使用吗? 不,文本转语音需要互联网连接才能工作,因为它使用了一个在线语音合成API。但是,如果你需要在离线时使用文本到语音,你可以使用浏览器提供的内置语音。这些内置语音可能没有在线提供的高级语音那样的质量或定制水平。要使用高级语音,你需要有一个活跃的互联网连接。 这个扩展所使用的文本到语音技术是否类似于人类? 该扩展使用的文本到语音技术是基于机器学习算法,旨在听起来自然和类似人类。然而,语音输出的质量可能会根据所使用的特定语音和语言而有所不同。 什么是ChatGPT? ChatGPT是OpenAI开发的语言模型,它是一种能够理解和生成类似人类文本的人工智能。它在互联网上的大量文本数据上接受过训练,所以它对各种话题有很好的理解,它可以执行各种自然语言处理任务,如语言翻译、文本总结和文本完成。从本质上讲,它是一个计算机程序,能够以一种感觉自然和类似人类的方式与人交流。 什么是ChatGPT的摘要? ChatGPT生成一个给定文本的浓缩版本,突出最重要的点和关键信息。这对于快速理解长篇文件或文章的主要观点很有用,而不必通读全文。然而,需要注意的是,我的摘要是通过算法生成的,不一定能完全抓住原文的细微差别或背景。 我需要一个ChatGPT/OpenAI账户吗? 是的,您需要有一个ChatGPT账户来使用摘要功能。您可以在chat.openai.com上免费创建一个账户。 变更日志 1.0.0: 具有文本到语音功能的初始版本 只需点击一下就能激活文本到语音的功能 支持多种语言和口音 1.0.1: 改进了语音合成的准确性 修正了一个错误,即文本到语音的激活有时会导致页面冻结 1.0.2: 增加了控制语音速率和音量的能力 改进了与更多网站的兼容性 1.0.3: 改进了文本到语音引擎的性能 改进了对非标准字体风格的文字识别 1.0.4: 增加了从多种声音中选择文本到语音输出的能力 改进了多语言内容的语音合成功能 1.0.5: 改进了文本到语音引擎与更多网站的兼容性 修正了文本到语音输出有时会被切断的问题 1.0.6: 改进了文本到语音引擎对长文本的性能 修正了一个文本到语音输出有时会出现乱码的问题 1.0.7: 增加了对更多文件格式的支持,以保存文本到语音的输出 改进了控制语速和音量的用户界面 改进了文本-语音引擎与更多网站的兼容性 改进了文本-语音引擎的实时处理性能 增加了自定义激活文本转语音的键盘快捷键的功能 改进了选择声音和语言的用户界面 1.0.8: 增加了暂停和恢复文本-语音输出的功能 改进了文本转语音引擎对长文本的性能 修正了一个错误,即一些特殊字符会导致文本到语音的失败 改进了在文本到语音过程中翻译文本的用户界面 重构了代码以提高整体扩展性能和稳定性 1.0.9 集成了OpenAI ChatGPT API 增加了获取网页和视频内容摘要的功能。 1.1.0 解决了摘要聊天偶尔会产生不完整或不准确的摘要的问题 修正了一个BUG,由于这个BUG,扩展在Linux上没有安装。 修正了一个在chatgpt中禁用聊天滚动的问题 关键词:文字转语音,ChatGPT,语音控制,语音,TTS,将文字转换为语音,语音发生器,语音合成,配音,朗读,免费文字转语音在线,pdf,摘要,总结youtube。 文本转语音,ChatGPT,语音控制,语音,TTS,将文本转换为语音,语音发生器,语音合成,配音,朗读,免费文本转语音在线,pdf,总结,总结youtube。 Readme TTS is a comprehensive Chrome extension that provides a convenient and innovative solution for text-to-speech technology. With its advanced text-to-speech conversion features, it allows you to listen to articles, blog posts, and other written content with just a click of a button. Say goodbye to boring reading and hello to a more enjoyable and hands-free way to consume information. Readme integrate Summary function, using ChatGPT an advanced language model trained by OpenAI, that allows you to quickly and easily get a summary of any webpage you visit. With just a click of a button, this extension uses advanced natural language processing algorithms to analyze the content of the page and generate a concise summary of its main points. Keywords: Text to speech, ChatGPT, voice control, voice, TTS, convert text to speech, voice generator, speech synthesis, voiceover, read aloud, free text to speech online, pdf, summary, summarize youtube. Some of its key features include: • Easy text-to-speech conversion. • Support for multiple languages. • Adjustable speaking speed. • Ability to play/pause, skip forward/backward, and adjust volume. • User-friendly interface. • Option to choose a male or female voice for speech output. • Ability to select specific text passages for text to speech conversion. • Support for additional file formats such as PDF and eBooks. • Summary text of any webpage you visit. • Summary service is compatible with various video hosting platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. Instructions for use: 1. Install the extension from the Chrome Web Store. 2. Visit any web page with written content. 3. Click the Readme TTS icon in the Chrome browser. 4. Use the available controls to customize the text-to-speech output to your preference. 5. Sit back and listen as the extension converts the text to speech. 6. To make use of the Summary feature, you need to have a ChatGPT account. 7. Once you are logged in to ChatGPT, the summary function will be automatically enabled. Benefits of using text-to-speech technology: • Increased productivity and accessibility. • More enjoyable and hands-free way of consuming information. • Perfect for multitasking, or exercising. Compare Readme TTS with traditional reading methods and discover the advantages of text-to-speech. Our satisfied users have already made the switch, why not you too? The development team behind Readme TTS is dedicated to providing the best text to speech technology on the market. Our expertise and experience in the field ensure that you receive a high-quality product with each use. Text to speech, ChatGPT, voice control, voice, TTS, convert text to speech, voice generator, speech synthesis, voiceover, read aloud, free text to speech online, pdf, summary, summarize youtube. FAQs Why does this text-to-speech extension need access to all my site data? To provide accurate and effective text-to-speech capabilities, the extension needs to be able to read all the text content on a web page when you activate it. No data leaves your computer. Why does this extension struggle to read some text accurately? The text-to-speech engine is designed to work with standard text formats, but it may have difficulty reading certain content such as text embedded in images or unusual font styles. Additionally, the pronunciation of certain words may not be accurate for every language or dialect. How do I change the voice and speed of the text-to-speech? The voice and speed of the text-to-speech can be adjusted from the extension's settings page. Simply click on the extension icon in your browser's toolbar and select the "Settings" option. From there, you'll be able to select the desired voice and adjust the speed. Can I use the text-to-speech on websites with a login? Yes, you can use the text-to-speech on websites with a login. The extension has access to all the content on the web page when you open the popup, including the content behind a login. Does the text-to-speech work offline? No, the text-to-speech requires an internet connection to work as it uses an online speech synthesis API. However, if you need to use text-to-speech while offline, you can use the built-in voices provided by your browser. These built-in voices may not have the same quality or level of customization as the premium voices available online. To use the premium voices, you need to have an active internet connection. Is the text-to-speech technology used by this extension human-like? The text-to-speech technology used by this extension is based on machine learning algorithms and is designed to sound natural and human-like. However, the quality of the speech output may vary based on the specific voice and language used. Text to speech, ChatGPT, voice control, voice, TTS, convert text to speech, voice generator, speech synthesis, voiceover, read aloud, free text to speech online, pdf, summary, summarize youtube. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, it's a type of AI that is able to understand and generate human-like text. It's been trained on a vast amount of text data from the internet, so it has a good understanding of various topics and it can perform various natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and text completion. Essentially, it's a computer program that can communicate with people in a way that feels natural and human-like. What is Summary from ChatGPT? ChatGPT generate a condensed version of a given text, highlighting the most important points and key information. This can be useful for quickly understanding the main ideas of a long document or article without having to read through the entire text. However, it's important to note that my summaries are generated algorithmically and may not always capture the full nuance or context of the original text. Do I need a ChatGPT/OpenAI account? Yes, you need to have a ChatGPT account to use summary function. You can create an account for free at chat.openai.com
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