Chrome 浏览器扩展,用于一键下载所有资源文件并保留文件夹结构。 *** 当你的当前标签页位于网址 https://chrome.google.com/* 上时,ResourceSaver 标签页将不会出现在 devtool 面板中。 *** 请注意,该扩展是一个资源收集器,而不是网站下载器,因此无法实现在本地运行网站的功能 *** 更新信息: 2.0.6: Update icon 2.0.5: Bug fixes 2.0.4: Incognito mode quick fix 2.0.3: Add version switcher (including legacy versions such as 0.1.8 0.1.9) 2.0.2: Bug fixes for content blob promise 2.0.1: Refactor UI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.1.9: Add download list 0.1.8: fixed zip file uncompressing with missing path issue in Windows 0.1.7: fixed Url to Path converting bug 0.1.6: getContent async problems fixed (turned all into sync before downloading) 0.1.5: Fix XHRs getContent issue, resolve XHRs filenames, add getContent timeout & 'No Content' option 0.1.4: Change download file name into corresponding domain name instead of 'all.zip' 0.1.3: Downloading issue potential fix 0.1.2: File extension detector bug fixes. 0.1.1: Added beautify code option (js-beautify) for JS,HTML,CSS fetching. 0.1.0: Unicode file path/name compatibility. 0.0.9: Add a compressing option that fetch all resources from browser-cache, compress(zip.js) & download at once. Thanks to @shanligang for contribution. 0.0.8: Continue download on chrome runtime error, bug fixes, violating path fixes. 0.0.7: Bug fixes. 0.0.6: Filepath bug fixes. 0.0.5: Improve stabitility. Bug fixes. 0.0.4: Including download for assests by XHR requests. 0.0.3: Bug Fixes. 0.0.2: Extension now re-fetchs resource contents from browser-cache in order to improve speed & stability. 0.0.1: Download all webpages by re-dowloading them from resource-urls.